星期日, 4月 06, 2008

The Pursuit of Happyness

昨天室友租了"當幸福來敲門(The Pursuit of Happyness)",由於之前聽很多人說他很感人,所以看的時候,反倒不覺得他感人了,但是其中有一段的對話讓我印象深刻,一直在腦中迴繞不散。就是在某個場景下,Will Smith潑他兒子的冷水,讓兒子的NBA夢想澆熄時,Will Smith認為他做錯事情了,因為他也是在周圍的人澆他冷水的情況下在奮鬥、努力。於是他對他兒子說:

Don't let anyone tell you that you can't do something, not even me.

They tell you you can't, because they can't do it. You have a dream. You get to protect it. You want something. Go get it!

People can't do something by themselves. They wanna tell you you can not do it. So DON'T let anyone knows you can't do it.


另外一個看完的想法,我的室友說,Will Smith後面運氣太好了簡直是唬爛,但我一點也不覺得。看影片中,其實Will Smith演的角色非常積極,創造許多一般人不會去做額外的人際關係建立,哪怕是任何一個談話機會都不放過,成功不就是靠這些累積的機會而來的嗎?

4 則留言:

匿名 提到...

Will Smith在片中積極面對人生困境,不放棄的心態我想是絕對會激勵到所有人的,但是老實說,當初看完影片之後被Will Smith燃起的雄心壯志在我想到一個節點的時候就莫明的少了大半呢...
That is, 由他能短時間(且是第一次)破解魔術方塊的劇情推測,他並非全然靠著"積極"而是本身也具有非凡的聰明才智吧?

Mingtang Yang 提到...

嗯... 我想,那個聰明只是吸引他面試機會的一個小橋段。就好像我們的第一份履歷表一樣,學校、實習與活動經歷吸引了別人想面試你的機會後,下一份工作還是得靠你的努力成就囉~

To sum up. You want something. Go get it!

匿名 提到...

Hi there,

I agree with you about Smith's success in the film. In fact, Smith acts as a REAL Person in the world; the one is Chris Gardner. You can find some information about him via Wikipedia. And, you can five your roommate a lesson about that. ;-)

Ha... the movie somehow is a bit different from Chris' real life.

Anyway, it's a good movie; touching and also inspiring. ^__^

Mingtang Yang 提到...

Thanks for your information. However, I think my roommate might not need to know.

I agree with you its inspiring, but not as touching as my expectation. ^^

Thanks lo~ Welcome to my blog~